Editor’s take

Welcome To The Third Edition Of Cyber Sentinels

Welcome to the third edition of Cyber Sentinels. For last two years we have been trying to capture the essence of security landscape in our specialized publication highlighting the evolution of the industry not only from the stand point of the technologies but also from the adoption and need perspective.

We are also trying to put out the pattern of the breaches and style of the hackers or spammers by quoting various stake holders of the industry.

It is for sure that security is becoming one of the largest concerns in 2016 and beyond. It is not for the reason that the people will amass wealth and there will be double digit growth in the enterprises but also for the reason that the things will be connected. The software and the hardware will be decoupled from each other and put into applications through various operating systems and hypervisors. The data will be collated by the enterprises from structured and unstructured sources to create pool of intelligence to be used for the better marketing and sales. This means while mining the data there could be intrusion of bad codes and can easily infect the entire system.
In all the virtualizations, cloud computing, the data goes and comes up from various sources and through various servers and connectors. So in order to make the entire value proposition better, the enterprises adopt multi-tenet solutions, and it becomes the starting point of the breach because in this environment compatibility always becomes the issue.

Secondly, IoT is reckoned to be the biggest source of security breaches as in the IoT environment, devices get connected with multiple sensors at multiple points so there is a positive chance for the intruders to sneak in. The sensors come from various vendors and with different standards and I do not know how many devices in the region will be connected – may be some billions – but for sure these devices will be soft target of the hackers and spammers.

As per the opinion of the Cisco, security is and will be the largest contributor for the margin of the partners and priority area of investment for the enterprises.

The worldwide cybersecurity market is defined estimated to grow from $77 billion in 2015 to $170 billion by 2020. This number includes investment on the security start-ups. If Apple Phone can be hacked, then imagine other devises and applications. So Security is the ultimate technology that needs attention as priority from all enterprises and more content around it is better for the industry.

Happy reading the third edition of Cyber Sentinels.

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