Cloud Computing

TANSTIA and Microsoft Aim to Enable 10,000 SMBs in Tamil Nadu

Focus is to drive cloud adoption among the organizations by mid-2016

Tamilnadu Small and Tiny Industries Association (TANSTIA), an apex industry body in Tamil Nadu and Microsoft have come together to enable 10,000 small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the state, adopt information technology and cloud computing to connect better with suppliers, distributors, government agencies and reach out to more customers across India.

Tamil Nadu is home to thousands of SMBs and Microsoft is working closely with its partners to advice and guide SMBs in the state through their cloud journeys., India’s first Microsoft Cloud Accelerate Partner, has registered 33% year-on-year growth in its business, riding on high adoption of Microsoft Office 365, Azure and CRM amongst customers and aims to extend this success to more SMBs in the state.
CK Mohan, Vice President, TANSTIA said, “Today, businesses need to embrace technology if they want to transform and scale up their businesses at a minimum cost and accelerate growth. To this end, it is crucial to make technology more accessible for faster adoption. We are excited to partner with Microsoft to drive the next wave of growth for organizations in Tamil Nadu.”

Speaking at the event, Prashanth S, Executive Director, India Private Limited said, “Tamil Nadu is one of the most industrialized states in India, and with the right technology solutions in place, has the potential to see exponential growth. It is encouraging to see prominent industry bodies, such as TANSTIA, come forward and understand the power of modern technology and encourage its adoption. We look forward to working closely with SMBs in the state and help them drive efficiency and business growth with Microsoft’s cloud offerings.”

Mr. Sreenivasan, Assistant General Manager, eG Innovations said, “Microsoft Office 365 has enabled us to collaborate and be efficient in an affordable manner, taking advantage of a “per-user” model. Our concerns regarding security, reliability and availability of cloud-based solutions are over, we can now focus on adding value to our business and service customers better. I can say that our customer satisfaction has increased by a substantial 20% after adopting the cloud.”
Mr. Karthik Doraiswamy, Senior Director, TPF Software Inc said, “With Microsoft Office 365 we have been able to expand our business across geographies and collaborate effectively, with reduced capital investments by 40%. The deployment has enabled us to focus on our business needs and provide impeccable customer experience while freeing us from the daily hassles of managing IT.”

Meetul Patel, General Manager – SMS&P, Microsoft India, said, “Information Technology is opening up new avenues of growth for Small Businesses around the world and India. By leveraging lower cost devices and affordable cloud-based services from Microsoft and its partners, SMBs are accessing new markets, engaging with customers more efficiently, and managing their costs better. In addition, these technologies and services help SMBs focus on their core business and not on basic IT infrastructure. The result is profitable, accelerated growth. Through our association with TANSTIA and the commitment of our partners like, we hope to bring the benefits of IT to every SMB.”

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