Sunil Pillai, Founder & MD at iValue InfoSolutions

No. of employees in the organization– 110

Products & Solutions

Digital Asset Protection & Data, Network and Application (DNA of every business) management solutions and associated services

Focused verticals

Government, BFSI, ITeS, Telecom, Manufacturing, Hospitality and Education

Year on Year growth percentage

Consistently growing at 4+ times market growth rate – CAGR of 60%

Turnover in last 3 years(2014, 2015, 2016)

Doubled revenue in the last 3 years between fy14 and fy16

Growth plan for 2017

Poised to grow at 80%+ for Fy17

Company Profile

A premium technology enabler, iValue InfoSolutions drives “Go to Market” for Niche, Compelling and Complimentary offerings, in the Digital Asset Protection and Data, Network & Application (DNA) management areas, using Customer Life Cycle and Product Life Cycle Adoption frameworks.

With a mission to empower organizations to effectively manage their “Digital Assets,” which are critical business assets & differentiators for protecting & growing business profitably, iValue offerings are aligned, customized & optimized for businesses, across all vertical & sizes, through its OEM, consultant & channel partnerships.

iValue won Deloitte India Technology Fast 50 award for India and Fast 500 award for Asia-Pac for the 2nd consecutive year with 137% CAGR over last 3 years. iValue was also “Red Herring Asia 100” Finalist in 2014. iValue has been consistently growing at 4+ times market growth rates since inception.

The team at iValue has proven track record for creating robust and scalable delivery models for niche, complementing and compelling offering, through customer engagements, while continuing to provide scalable growth for popular offerings, through its focused partner engagements. iValue has direct partnership with 22+ “Best of Breed” OEM’s with 6000+ Customers through 500+ partners including Global, National, Regional and Local SI’s. iValue has a direct presence across 10 cities in India, with channel, solution, vertical & customer focused teams, addressing pre-sales, sales & post sales needs of Customer, Consultants & Partner, for Private, Public and Hybrid cloud needs.

Contact details

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