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Kaspersky gets Patent for Private Security Network

Kaspersky Lab has made an announcement that it has been awarded a United States Patent. The technology at the core of the Kaspersky Private Security Network allows businesses with specific regulatory requirements and strict data transfer policies to benefit from effective and instant threat detection from the cloud, without compromising on corporate standards.

To be able to effectively fight the ever-growing number and diversity of modern cyberthreats, security solutions need to maintain a continuous data exchange with a cloud: this allows them to quickly and more accurately analyze new specimens of malicious programs and websites.

“Many companies process classified data or government secrets, or otherwise need to comply with strict rules of protecting confidential information. For such companies, exchanging data between software on workstations and the external cloud is unacceptable; either internal restrictions or regulatory requirements obligate them to use trusted data channels only. Traditional cloud security solution could not provide sufficiently trusted data exchange for companies managing classified data. So, from the viewpoint of regulators any interaction with the cloud is a potential information leak channel, that is, till we introduced the Kaspersky Private Security Network,” said Altaf Halde, Managing Director, South Asia, Kaspersky Lab.

The global cloud-based threat intelligence platform, Kaspersky Security Network, processes depersonalized metadata voluntarily submitted by millions of Kaspersky Lab product users providing on-the-fly detection and immediate reaction to new threats. As part of its Humachine approach and in combination with other security components, Kaspersky Lab’s big data of security intelligence ensures the industry’s highest detection rate and lowest false positives rate, as proven by independent test results.

However, a distributed cloud infrastructure built on servers that are strategically located in different countries, may not meet the requirements of some organizations. Healthcare companies, financial institutions, government agencies and other businesses working with highly sensitive data and under strict compliance requirements, may not allow any data to be sent outside their corporate network.

The patented technology from Kaspersky Lab provides these companies with a solution that allows them to benefit from Kaspersky Lab’s cloud platform while fully complying with their policies and requirements. Kaspersky Private Security Network, a private cloud with a local copy of the Kaspersky Security Network, can be built on customers’ servers within their corporate infrastructure. The unique system ensures regular one-way synchronization with the Kaspersky Security Network: the depersonalized threat data for effective detection constantly feeds into the customer’s protection while no data is sent outside.

“Due to the role cloud computing and big data play in quick and accurate detection, services like Kaspersky Security Network are indispensable in cybersecurity. However, customers operating under strict regulations and data transfer policies are forced to disable cloud services like this, and therefore, cut off a powerful protection layer. We’re pleased to offer a solution that allows our customers to be protected, without compromising on either cybersecurity or compliance,” comments Anton Lapushkin, Head of Cloud Infrastructure Development at Kaspersky Lab and one of the authors of the technology.

Kaspersky Private Security Network is available globally as a part of Kaspersky Lab’s next generation cybersecurity portfolio for enterprise.

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