Future Technology

“Iris recognition technology helping Delta ID to stand apart”

The natural and fool-proof eye-based identification technology is incredibly fast, easy to use while being safe and secure if compared to other identification mediums existing in the space such as passwords, passcodes, face recognition and finger-print recognition, which depends on several external factors. Whereas for Original Equipment Manufacturers, it is simple, easy to integrate and economically viable.

Vivek Khandelwal, Vice President, Delta ID – “The company has many industry firsts to its credit. Delta ID was the first company to bring iris recognition to mobile devices, first to get STQC certification, first to integrate iris for Aadhaar on mobile devices.”

How would you define Delta ID in three aspects? Also, share its vision.

Delta ID can actually be defined in a singular way – provider of iris recognition technology for consumer mobile devices.

Delta ID is singularly focused on making the iris in our eyes a unique and secret password protect key, that no individual will ever have to remember. The company’s patented biometric technology, ActiveIRIS is the world’s first iris recognition technology that can be easily integrated into mass market mobile and PC devices, and is extremely easy for consumers to use.

Delta ID, in collaboration with Fujitsu, brought the world’s first iris recognition capable smartphone to market in May 2015, followed by multiple smartphones from another global OEM in later half of 2015. In May 2016, Delta ID, in collaboration with Samsung, launched the Galaxy Tab Iris, India’s first iris integrated mobile device certified for use with Aadhaar. Certified by STQC, the mobile device integrates Delta ID ActiveIRIS software.

What difference is Delta ID making in the industry and how your offerings are competitive?

Our USPs and competitive advantage lies in our very offering. The difference Delta ID is making and the competitive advantages flow from the vision – taking iris recognition technology to consumer mobile devices. To bring iris recognition technology to “consumer mobile” devices, DeltaID focused on making iris recognition very fast, easy and reliable for consumers using mobile devices. Additionally, Delta ID focused on bringing the cost of hardware down by multiple orders of magnitude so that a consumer mobile device could integrate this technology cost effectively. The company has many industry firsts to its credit. Delta ID was the first company to bring iris recognition to mobile devices, first to get STQC certification, first to integrate iris for Aadhaar on mobile devices. Delta ID iris technology has by far the best usability, in all conditions a consumer will typically use their mobile devices – when the user is inside or outside, still or walking, all from a convenient distance from the eyes.

What strategy do you adopt to maintain your market presence as an innovator and how do you plan to maintain it future also?

As a technology provider our focus remains on being the leader in the technology space- defining the next level for usability, security and reliability of this technology as more and more consumers adopt it, more services will depend on it. We will continue to bring innovation in our products from time to time,

What are the verticals you are looking for Delta ID’s expansion?

Delta ID’s ActiveIRIS is a horizontal patented technology. We have launched in mobile devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab Iris in India, multiple smartphones, tablets with Fujitsu/NTTDOCOMO in Japan and many other phones with various global OEMs. We are now seeing interest from PoS devices manufacturers. We have also incorporated Iris in autos for driver identification, driver monitoring.

With Biometrics going mainstream, Delta ID continues to work with global and Indian mobile and PC OEMs to bring its ActiveIRIS technology to more mobile and PC devices..

Has Delta ID bagged any E-Government deal with the Central Government in India recently? If yes, what is it and how Delta ID is determined to fulfill it?

Delta ID and its partners, including Samsung, are engaged with various government and non-government organizations. The Samsung Galaxy Tab Iris is openly available, and various institutions are building applications using their easy to use SDK

What are your plans for 2017?

Delta ID remains focused on advancing the core technology, ie iris recognition technology, working with multiple partners and customers in integrating the technology into various devices and services.

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