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Dell EMC Takes Next Step in Their Digital Journey

IT Transformation ensures business success for organizations across geographies

 The ideals of the digital economy are quickly permeating every industry and will impact essentially every business and organization. A critical step to becoming and thriving in a digital economy is undergoing an IT Transformation. Over the past several years, Dell EMC has been undergoing its own IT Transformation, one that customers and other organizations can look to as framework for leveraging modern technologies to dramatically improve IT efficiency, which helps to deliver superior services to employees, partners, and customers.

In order to measure where organizations are on that journey, Dell EMC recently commissioned ESG to create a research-based, data-driven maturity model in order to identify the stages of IT Transformation progress and then determine the degree to which global organizations have reached those stages. In addition, the research was designed to understand the benefits that result from increasing degrees of IT Transformation.

ESG’s maturity model is based on a global survey covering 4,000 respondents from large midmarket and enterprise organizations focusing on the current state of IT and the outcomes that IT offers the business.

In “Dell EMC: Digital Business Success through IT Transformation,” ESG outlines the demands being placed on organizations today, the benefits of Digital Transformation and how Dell EMC approached the first logical step to continuing on the path of being a digital business – continued IT Transformation – after Dell and EMC merged into one company.

The study found that IT organizations further along in their IT transformation tended to achieve higher levels of performance in the areas of agile infrastructure provisioning, on-time and on-budget project delivery, faster time to market, and enhanced IT spending efficiency.  82% of IT decision makers agreed on the need to embrace IT transformation, without which it would be almost impossible to be a competitive provider of IT services to the business.

Rajesh Janey, MD & President, India Enterprise, Dell EMC, said, “There is no doubt that firms further along the IT transformation journey deliver projects more quickly and efficiently than their legacy counterparts, and the desire to achieve these benefits is definitely driving IT investment. Also, IT transformation is more than just buying the latest technology. When designing Dell EMC’s IT transformation strategy, we created a blueprint that consisted of three high-level categories: modernize, automate, and transform. With its expertise from its own internal IT Transformation along with its expansive set of infrastructure and software technologies, Dell EMC has become a powerful ally to help any business in its IT Transformation journey to fuel digital innovation.”

For Dell EMC, each IT Transformation initiative followed a multistep process that included: 

  • Define the desired business outcome: The goal should focus on measurable, business-related results that center on a single workload or a contained set of workloads
  • Identify and understand the application(s) that will play the critical role in delivering the desired business outcome: It is important to figure if the application is a more traditional workload with a client/server usage model, or if the applications are more cloud- based.
  • Select the infrastructure model: Deploying technologies such as flash, software-defined, converged, hybrid cloud in a predictable building-block fashion to simplify future automation is crucial. This new way of infrastructure deployment will deliver a predictable level of performance and capacity, which can better fit into policy-based automation

The more agile and flexible the IT capabilities, the more rapidly a digital business can grow and adjust to market demands.

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