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Barracuda Email Threat Scanner Detects Millions of Attacks Missed by organizations’ existing protection in 2020

In 2020, 4,550 organisations used Barracuda Email Threat Scanner to scan 2,600,531 unique mailboxes and found 2,029,413 unique attacks

A redesigned version of the Barracuda Email Threat Scanner, a free tool that can help businesses detect email threats getting past their email gateway. These threats include highly targeted attacks such as spear phishing, business email compromise, conversation hijacking and services impersonation, among many others.

In 2020, 4,550 organizations used Barracuda Email Threat Scanner to scan 2,600,531 unique mailboxes and found 2,029,413 unique attacks. On average, 512 attacks were found per organization, and one out of 7 mailboxes (14%) had at least one attack currently sitting inside, even if messages were scanned by an email gateway solution.

The attacks detected fall into four email threat types: phishing, scamming, extortion, and business email compromise (BEC). Of the 2,029,413 unique attacks detected, phishing was the number one threat missed by the organisations’ email security solutions (59%). Meanwhile, 39 % of the attacks were scamming followed by 9% of extortion attacks and 8% of BEC attacks, which were less prevalent. Cybercriminals tend to send these types of attacks in smaller volumes because they are highly personalised.

Each scan conducted by the redesigned Barracuda Email Threat Scanner provides a report on attacks found inside the environment, as well as at-risk domains and employees. This helps organisations identify gaps in existing email protection and assess email security vulnerabilities. The refreshed Barracuda Email Threat Scanner brings a complete user interface update to its dashboard, which includes:

  • A scan preview page,which allows users to monitor their scan’s progress while the scan is running.
  • Access to early results as Email Threat Scanner scans mailboxes and finds attacks.
  • Improved dashboard reporting of detected threats, making it easier to hone in on specific insights and interpret the findings.

Speaking on the redefined email threat scanner, Murali Urs, Country Manager-India, Barracuda Networks, said, “In 2021, we foresee the threat landscape to become more challenging and sophisticated attackers will continue to take advantage of the widespread discussion on COVID 19, which indicates that spear phishing threats will become more dangerous than ever. While organisations have invested in protection against email threats, many of these attacks seep through gateways, landing on users’ inboxes. The attack numbers prove that traditional email gateways are not enough and customers should also use API-based inbox defenses to maximise their protection.”

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