Women in IT

Aruna Reddy- Director of Global Partner Services, Microsoft India

  • What is your core strength as a leader?

Aruna brings strong cross group collaboration and a get-it-done attitude to her roles in the corporate environment

  • What is your biggest achievement so far in your career? (Provide us a note on this.)

With 20+years at Microsoft, it’s been the ability to make an impact people who use Microsoft software and services all over the world to be more productive and empower people.  Most recently it’s helping partners adopt and implement Microsoft products to make a difference in the world.

  • What are your views on the growth of Indian IT market landscape?

India has a vibrant talent both within India and outside of India.  Many have fast experience internationally and locally.  Indian IT professionals contribute to flagship products from both domestic and overseas companies will continue to increase.   The IOT/AI/Big Data/ and many other emerging focus areas are being embraced by IT professionals.  Areas like IOT to enhance the human senses and in concert with AI will augment human capabilities to push us into another industrial revolution.   Indian government and private sectors are looking toward digital transformation as a means to improve the bottom line and productivity.   With the technology disruptions happening in the market place, Indian IT market is poise to take advantage of the shift.

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