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Case Study


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Kodak Alaris technology captures metadata that better structures police investigations

The Client

A crimes record bureau in India that employs 100,000 staff in over 1,400 police stations.

The Challenge

The crime records bureau employs close to 100,000 staff in over 1,400 police stations in one of India’s largest state, Karnataka. Massive amounts of paper assets were accumulated over the years and the bureau recognized the need for digitization to overcome paper storage and organization challenges.

In addition to capturing and saving past paper documents into the database, the bureau had to handle a deluge of incoming paper documents from operations across the numerous police stations on a daily basis. To keep the system up to date, volumes of crime files have to be constantly converted into digital formats.

Crime files range from case diaries, lab reports, photographs to fingerprint records. Some documents cannot be handled by run-of-the-mill automatic document feeders. Inconsistent quality and sizes of paper, and different working environments also manifested as additional challenges.

The Solution

The bureau chose Kodak Alaris as the solution for their information management needs.

Kodak Alaris’ excellent track record, good customer service and comparative advantage to other brands, in terms of cost-performance ratio made the selection an easy decision.

The bureau had little trouble integrating Kodak Alaris’ high performance, lowconsumable usage desktop scanners into their daily operations. Up to 40 units of Kodak i1220 (current model i1150), and 25 Kodak i2600 units were introduced.

Batch scanning requirements were also effortlessly set up with the scanner SmartTouch functionality.

The bureau also used CapturePro – Kodak Alaris’ image capturing solution – to seamlessly capture and organize multiple metadata fields to make searching and accessing of data much easier and more efficient.

The Results

Through the holistic integration of Kodak Alaris’ faster, more intelligent and costeffective document capturing system, the bureau was able to achieve the following benefits:

  • Simplified and more efficient digitization of multiple types of paper documents enhances overall productivity
  • Captured information on paper can be turned into data points to be used in investigations
  • Automation of record management reduces manual work, by 40%, enabling frontline staff to focus on providing core citizen services
  • Faster searching and retrieving of data improves response times for policing and other duties
  • Digitized paper assets increases workforce mobility, and reduces paper storage space
  • An auditable document trail elevates security confidence

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