Corporate NewsNews

IceWarp empowered NBFCs with its Secured Collaboration Solutions

IceWarp have empowered NBFCs in India with its secured, streamlined and seamless team collaboration tools. NBFCs have turned to IceWarp’s solutions to break the ice for securitization in communication among the employees and customers.

NBFCs have played a pivotal role in meeting the financial needs of individuals and businesses. It has played a significant role in helping the economy stabilize during the COVID-19 outbreak. While Covid-19 forced the economy to adopt social distancing, at the same time, it also forced most companies to adopt WFH culture. Therefore, the organizations that were not open to the concept of remote working earlier, have now deployed video conferencing apps and team collaboration tools to allow their employees to work from home during the pandemic.

However, there are huge challenges in the financial services space while adopting WFH, as it involves the critical nature of the work especially when it comes to security. While dealing with such critical data, there is always a fear factor or distress while handling sensitive information for the client, customer, and other transaction-specific data that is being handled. In such times or adverse scenarios, IceWarp with its robust email communication and collaborative tools have helped them to mitigate and further strengthening their business model without compromising on their performance and leaving aside any unwanted cyber-security risks.

Commenting on the same, Pramod Sharda, CEO, IceWarp, India, and Middle East said, “The pandemic has impacted many businesses, as well as the economy and it, has created a liquidity crisis in the ecosystem. It is important for the NBFC sector to grow positively as it a crucial pillar to meet the increased credit demand in the economy. To fulfill the same, it is important for this sector to keep up the pace and be ready to work in any situation by using technology like cloud communication”.

IceWarp, a collaborated cloud-based Email solution is empowering NBFCs to communicate and collaborate more effectively within and outside the organization and envelope various tasks with just an Email on a single platform. Unfolding its benefits NBCs are able focus on growth, infrastructure, customer reach, profitability by pushing their capabilities to the fullest. With IceWarp’s innovative yet easy to use tools like TeamChat, face-to-face conferences, and more employees are able to strategize, plan, and execute tasks remotely as well as collaboratively. The platform allows connecting with customers, clients, employees virtually by adding up to 70 participants which help in managing financial activities.

IceWarp is trusted and acknowledged by leading names in the industry like Asirvad Finance, Fedbank Financial Services, CreditAccessGrameen Limited (formerly known as GrameenKoota Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.) and many more.

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