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 FAIITA Gets New Office Bearers 

Federation of All India Information Technology Associations (FAIITA), which is the National Federation of all the State Associations of IT Business & Services in India. Upon the completion of the term of present executives elections were held at New Delhi on 12th October, 2019, wherein, 19 delegates representing 25 States & Union Territories of India marked their presence to participate in the elections to for new cabinet.

During the deliberations, a common consensus and harmony emerged out during the process, which turned the Elections into unanimously selection for all the key posts of the cabinet, comprising of the new President Mr. Kaushik Pandya for the year 2019-2021. Mr. Alok Gupta  the presiding officer of this elections 2019-21, announced the unanimous and consensual selection of the cabinet of FAIITA 2019-2021 for the below listed cabinet :

President : Shri Kaushik Pandya, Gujrat

Sr. Vice President : Shri Devesh Rastogi, Uttar Pradesh

Vice President : Shri Karthik S, Tamilnadu

General Secretary : Shri Navin Gupta, Bihar

Treasurer : Shri Liju S, Kerala

National Convener : Shri Sanjeev Walia, Punjab

Jt. Secretary : Shri Arun Kumar Dey, Odisha

Jt. Treasurer : Shri Sushil Kumar, Jharkhand

Regional Vice President North : Shri Naveen Gupta, J&K

Regional Secretary North : Shri Naresh Kumar Batra, Uttrakhand

Regional Vice President East : Shri Jitendra Bothra, West Bengal

Regional Secretary East : Shri Babu Lal Navlakha, Assam

Regional Vice President West : Shri Viren Bavishi, Maharashtra

Regional Secretary West : Shri Mitesh Dave, Gujarat

Regional Vice President South : Shri Deepak Bommisetty, Andhra Pradesh

Regional Secretary South : Shri Ballu Anand Rao, Karnataka

Regional Vice President Central : Shri Manish Goel, Madhya Pradesh

Regional Secretary Central : Shri Mihir Sharma, Rajasthan

FAIITA Delegates select unanimously new President Kaushik Pandya & Cabinet Team for the year 2019-2021, witnessed by observers from Punjab, Gujrat, Rajasthan, Delhi, North East  and other distinguished dignitaries representing various State Associations & Federations.

The new team is getting ready with their plans on Business enhancement, Handling OLS issues with zero tolerance, Skill development, Dispute handling & reach, Special task committees, Promoting ecology & environment, Social charitable causes, Encouraging Make in India. There are around 50,000 empaneled IT partners across 25 states including T1 to T3/T4 partners, B&M stores and IT/ITES solution providers who create 500000 employment opportunity across the trade vertical.

The incoming team thanked Chief Mentor & Founder President Shri Champakraj Gujar and his team who stood for channel issues time and again, there by resolving various issues related to OLS with key vendors. The Newly Elected Cabinet passed a vote of thanks the all the delegates who had travelled hundreds of miles across from almost every corner of India, with a resolve to meet again at the soon to be happening Annual General Meet, with more agenda and plans in order to work relentlessly for positive progress in the Trade.

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